Pegasus accounting software

Supply, installation, training and support

Pegasus is a leading and long-established accountancy software company with a range of integrated software packages carefully tailored to the accounting needs of small, medium and large companies.

The current Pegasus product range comprises Pegasus Opera, Pegasus Opera II and Pegasus Capital Gold, all of which build on the excellent legacy of the original Pegasus Senior which I still support. All products in the current range are available in single or multiple user versions and also have a complete set of separate but integrated modules including...

As different types of organisation will naturally have very different accounting needs, only those modules actually required have to be purchased to start off with. Extra modules can very easily added at a later date if necessary.

My comprehensive service includes assessing an organisation's requirements, supplying and installing the most suitable software, full staff training and providing on-going support whenever required.

In addition to supplying and installing new systems I am also able to take on existing installations, including legacy products such as Pegasus Senior and Pegasus Single User, identify and resolve any problems that may exist, and then train staff as well as providing further support if required.

A very important part of my consultancy work involves reviewing and helping to design management accounting systems. I actually consider the ability of any computerised book-keeping system to quickly and easily produce useful day-to-day management reports to be just as important as its ability to form a reliable basis for an organisation's annual audit.

Business sectors I have worked with include:

Whilst much of my work is with end users I also frequently collaborate with a number of computer suppliers and training companies. On these occasions I am very happy to work either as part of their organisation or else independently with their new or existing clients.

Home page

Pegasus accounting software

Consultancy, Accountancy & Directorships

Pegasus Business Software
Pegasus Business Software

Pegasus Authorised Independent Trainer
Pegasus Authorised Independent Trainer

Pegasus Opera
Pegasus Opera

Pegasus Opera II
Pegasus Opera II

Pegasus Capital Gold
Pegasus Capital Gold

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